showing 21 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2009 15thcentury 2010s aaa actionadventure aesop alternatetimeline antivillain anvilengine armcannons assassinprotagonist assassinscreed automap backstabbing balancebeams beggars bloodlines bludgeons bodydragging brothel chasing city city-florence-it city-venice-it clandestine corpselooting counterattacks cpplanguage criminalactivity crowds dataimport dataimport-unlocks difficulty-single disarming dodging doubleentendres earlymodernperiod earth enemyhealthdisplay erraticlanguage estate europe fallimpact falsehistory fasttravel future geneticmemory glitchvisuals grappling healingitems healingstations hiding highbornprotagonist horizontalbars indicator-poi indicator-threat interfacespoilers inversekinematics italy itemglow jumping knives ladders langmorsecode launcher ledges letterbox mansion map megacorps meleeweapons mercenaries minimap multilingual multitools neutralnpcs nohealthregen openworld optionaltasks outlaws parkour past pickpocketing prologue prostitutes quicktimeevent radar rating-cero-z recurrence-character redeemingbeatdown revenge riding rooftops safeledges secretconflict secretsociety sequence-defend sequence-timed sequence-vehicle sexindustry shallowwater shopping singlegenderopposition smokegrenades speech-italian splatter stealing stealth stealth-sight steppingstones stockfootage stumbling swimming swords targetlock taunting templar threatdisplay throwingknives timeskip trespassing unarmedfighting undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence virtualreality walking wallclimbing walljumping youngadultprotagonist Assassin's Creed II is the product of over two years of intensive development by the original creative team behind the Assassin's Creed brand. In a vast open world environment, the game invites players to incarnate Ezio, a privileged young noble in Renaissance Italy who's been betrayed by the rival ruling families of Italy. Ezio's subsequent quest for vengeance plunges players into an epic story that offers more variety in missions, surprising and engaging new gameplay elements, diverse weapons and a profound character progression that appeal to fans of the original Assassin's Creed as well as entice players new to the brand.***[b]data import[/b] - from [game=#171749]Bloodlines[/game] via the "Remote Play" function. Unlocks 6 weapons. labelimagesubject
Batman: Arkham Asylum Eidos Interactive;Warner Bros. Interactive (Rocksteady Studios)2009 achillesheelfoes actionadventure aimmode airducts arkhamcombat autosavepoints batman batman-arkham biogrowth bossbattles city collectibles constrainedlocale dccomics distortedvision dodging earth famousprotagonist fictionalcity fictionallocation gadgets gianthumanoids giantmonsters gliding glowingveins grappling grapplinghook hallucinations hintsystem hypermuscles insaneasylum island itemglow ledges lunatics map metroidvania monsters museum neutralnpcs nonlethal nonlinear northamerica npcanxiety nvapex openended outlaws personalquest physx plantcreatures postcombatrestoration prison rating-esrb-t recurringopponent roguesgallery secrets serious sewers skipnoninteractive stealth thrownweapons titularcharacter titularlocale unarmedfighting unlimitedammo unrealengine3 upgrades-permanent upgradesystem uvl-tiein vigilanteprotagonist ziplines In Batman: Arkham Asylum, the player assumes the role of Batman as he delivers The Joker to Arkham Asylum. There, the imprisoned super-villains have set a trap and an immersive combat gaming experience unfolds. With an original script penned by Emmy Award-winning Batman writer Paul Dini, the game brings the universe of DC Comics' detective to life with stunning graphics. Batman: Arkham Asylum offers players the chance to battle Gotham's worst villains with Batman's physical and psychological strength in a graphically distinct and story-driven game. labelimagesubject
Batman: Arkham City Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment;Square Enix (Rocksteady Studios)2011 achillesheelfoes actionadventure aimmode airducts alternatingprotagonist ambientocclusion arkhamcombat autosavepoints backstabbing batman batman-arkham caltrops captives challenges city cleargame collectibles combobonuses compass conspiracy constrainedlocale counselor coupdegrace cryogenicweapons dccomics difficulty disarming distortedvision dodging doors doubleentendres earth eliteprotagonist factory famousprotagonist fanservice femaleprotagonist fictionallocation gadgets gianthumanoids grapplinghook guidedweapons hacking hypermuscles interactivetriggers ladders langmorsecode lasso ledges lostresources lunatics maleprotagonist map mercenaries metroidvania museum mutants neutralnpcs newgameplus news nofalldamage nonlethal nonlinear northamerica npcanxiety npcarming objectiveindicator openworld optionaltasks outlaws personalquest physx policestation postcombatrestoration pressureplates prison privatemilitarycompanies radiotap rage rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 roguesgallery shapeshifters sharks slums smokegrenades snipers speedtree spoilertags stealth stunguns stunning suicide temple thrownweapons titlementioned titularcharacter titularlocale tower tumbling tyrant unarmedfighting unlockable-modes upgradesystem vigilanteprotagonist walking weirdvision whips wwise xrayvision ziplines zoom labelimageminimize
Borderlands 2K Games (Gearbox Software)2009 aaa abominations achievements achievements-functional adv-ptdistr adv-static aimmode alienanimals ambush ammomagazines animals arid assaultrifles autoshotguns bayonets borderlands-series bountyhunting burrowers canyon capacity-slots cheapdeath circadiancycle clones clothdyeing compass containers crossworldcharacters damageindicator damagetypes deathpenalty deathworld difficulty-players driving dynamicaccuracy elevators enemyhealthdisplay energyshields energyweapons explosiveobjects falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points firearms firstpersonshooter fofindicator freelancing gamespy grenades handguns healingitems healthpickups hillland insectoids inventory ironsights itemgenerator itemglow jumping knockback levelbasedeq leveluprestoration limitedcapacity locationaldamage loot-random lootemup map mercenaryprotagonist mpfocus mutants npcspawning nplayers objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator opponentpowerdisplay otherworld outlaws precisionrifles premadecharacters proceduralitemappearance pve rating-esrb-m reload-auto reload-manual revolverrifles revolvers robots rockets secondwind secrets serverbrowser shieldregen shopping shotguns socialnetwork spacewestern submachineguns town trampling tutorial unknownpast unrealengine3 upgrades-capacity vehicleflip vehiclepainting walking wasteland xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal Latest version: 1.20 (as of ?)***For 1-4 players, cooperative.***As the first title in an all-new sci-fi action franchise, Borderlands combines the best elements of Gearbox Software's first-person action titles with player customization and vehicular combat. Borderlands features a unique content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization. Borderlands is a cooperative experience, allowing for multiple players to share the same game experience simultaneously online. Players can freely join or leave each other’s games at anytime, or choose to play in the full single-player mode. Borderlands features life-like character animations, impressive real-time physics, and customizable vehicles. More details to follow. labelimagesubject
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Ubisoft (Techland)2009 1860s 19thcentury aimmode americanindians ammomagazines ammowarning animals arid arizona arkansas bountyhunting bows callofjuarez canyon chapters chromeengine clergy coldopen companion containers cooperation coversystem coversystem-context demo depthoffield difficulty distortedvision doors dualwielding earth environmentalcontact falldamage family-theme firearms firstpersonshooter fofindicator georgia-usa grenadewarning gunslingers handguns healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning heathaze hud-dynamic jumping lightbloom machineguns mexico multiprotagonists naturalistic nohealthdisplay northamerica objectiveindicator outlawprotagonist outlaws playerprofiles playerstats precisionrifles prologue quicktimeevent rage rating-esrb-m reload-auto reload-manual rotaryguns screenshake secrets separated sequence-defend sequence-turret shopping shotguns skipnoninteractive slowmotion soldiers telescope throwingknives timeskip titlementioned town usa uvl-sync walking wasteland western labelimageminimize
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011 3ormoreplayers adv-ptdistr aimassist alcohol assaultrifles axes bludgeons bonebreaking bossbattles burning capacity-slots chapters chargers chromeengine city collectibles containers controlschemes corpselooting coupdegrace cpplanguage crafting crafting-ammo crafting-sites crossworldcharacters dark-limited daylighthorror deadisland-series deadlywater deathpenalty decoys diaries difficulty-charscaling disarming dismemberment distortedvision dodging doors driving elitemobs endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay explosiveobjects facebookconnect falldamage fictionallocation firearms forest genderchoice gore grenades handguns healingitems healthpickups healthregen healthregen-stunted honorablefoes hotel hud-dynamic improvisedweapons incendiarygrenades indicator-poi indicator-route interrupting inventory invisiblewalls island itemdurability itemgenerator itemglow karmiccreatures knives knockback knockdown laboratory ladders lamp levelbasedeq limitedcapacity locationaldamage lootemup map meleeweapons motionblur mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin multiseaters music-hiphop neutralnpcs newgameplus noanimals nochildren npcasphyxiation npcinjuries nplayers objectiveindicator obsoletedassets oceania openworld opponentpowerdisplay optionaltasks outlaws pacificocean pain papuanewguinea playerstats premadecharacters priceinfo prison quickkeys radialmenu rage rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 repairing repulsion resort resourcetransfer resuscitation safezone scavenging scientists screenshake search searchedindicator sellundo shallowwater shopping shotguns shovels slobbery slowmotion soldiers splatter stomping stranded suicideattackers supermode survivalhorror swords targetident throwanything thrownweapons trampling tribals tropic unethicalscience valveanticheat walking waypoints weaponupgrades xp-kills xp-other zombieapocalypse zombies labelminimizeminimize
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen  Capcom2013 1life achievements achillesheelfoes actionadventure actionrpg activeabilityset addons adv-intermediary adv-static ancientenemy animals aristocrats automap autosavepoints bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bossmeter bows burning capacity-weight castle cave charactercarrying charactercreation chatter chimeras chosenone circadiancycle city civilianprotagonist classbased classbasedeq climbingonpeople cloakednpcs companion compositefoes creaturefamiliarity creatureidentification cryokinesis cultists cyclopes damagetypes dark-limited deadlywater difficulty direanimals display-720p distortedvision dolbydigital doors dragons electrokinesis endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay energyregen falldamage fallimpact forest forging freezing genderchoice gendereffects genderequipment gianthumanoids giants goblins grapplers grappling grecoromanmythology group group-leader gryphons harpies holstering indirectmultiplayer itemrespawn jewelry jobsystem jumping keys knives knockback knockdown ladders lamp limitedcapacity loot-random magic magneticshoulders map meleeweapons mine minibosses minimap monsters mtframework neutralnpcs newgameplus npcfleeing npcspawning objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator obscuredprotagonistdialog obsoletedassets ogres openworld optionaltasks outlaws overburdening paperdoll periodicdangers pressureplates protagonistdesigning protagonistredesigning pyrokinesis quicktimeevent rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-15 rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-16 recallportal resourceharvesting resuscitation safepowers safezone sauroids saveanywhere sewers shallowwater shieldbash shields shopping singlesave sizematters skeletons sorcery spectres stamina stash superclass swords tasktracker taxonomy teleport thirdoption town tutorial undead unvoicedprotagonist viciouscycle voicechoice walking waterfalls waypoints wellcave wetting wilderness wildlife wolves xp-deeds xp-kills zombies DD:DA is a standalone expansion that includes the base game with it and various other enhancements, including a whole new region with new quest lines. labelimageminimize
DuckTales: Remastered  Capcom (WayForward Technologies)2013 africa aliens anthroprotagonist automap birdprotagonist bonusstages captives dark-limited disney ducktales duckuniverse elderlyprotagonist fourfingers ghosts harmfultouch healthpickups hitmoderation hopandbop indulgence ladders lives luna mummies nohumans outlaws portals powerups rating-pegi-7 screenshake selfluminance skeletons skipnoninteractive spacecraft-location transylvania uvl-misspelledtitle uvl-searchelp uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Fallout 3 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2008 23rdcentury abnormalammo actioncamera addiction adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline ammomagazines anatomicdamage apartmentbuilding assaultrifles automap autopause-inventory autosavepoints backstabbing beamweapons blacksheep bludgeons cannibalism captives censored charactercreation chekhovsgun children circadiancycle city city-washington-dc consequences crafting criticalchance cruelty-potential crustacoids currency-unusual cyborgs deadondisplay death deathworld difficulty difficulty-ingame dingy disarming discrimination disproportionateretribution doors druggies drugs dualism earth energyweapons fakenames fallout fasttravel firearms fistloads friendlyfire future gadgetweapons gamebryoengine genderchoice ghouls giantants giantinsects giantrobots giantshoulderpads giantspiders gore graphicdeaths graychoices grenades grotesque growingprotagonist hacking healthregen hiddenvillage home humanexperiments humanoidanimals indicator-poi indicator-threat injuries interactivedialogs isolationists itemdurability jumping karma knives laserweapons library locationaldamage locationalhealth lockpicking lockpicking-feedback malfunctioning maneaters meleeweapons mines moralchoices multipleendings museum music-licensed music-vocal mutagen mutants nailguns neutralmonsters neutralnpcs news noheadbob northamerica npcinjuries npcschedules organizedcrime outlaws overkill parttargeting pickpocketing plasmaweapons postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles prejudice pressureplates propaganda prostitutes protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face radiation radioactiveglow raiders rating-cero-z rating-esrb-m raygungothic reload-auto reload-manual retrofuture robots rogueai rotaryguns ruinedworld ruins sauroids scientists scorpions search sentientmachines serious shantytown shopping shovels sidetracked slavery slowmotion splatter stealing stealth stealthmode stupidevil subway supermode swimming swords teenprotagonist teslacoils thermalweapons thx-1138 timeskip town trapdisarming traps tripwires tutorial unarmedfighting unvoicedprotagonist variableending waiting walking wasteland labelimageminimize
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Eidos Interactive;Square Enix (Io Interactive)2010 aimassist aimmode airport ambidextrous ammomagazines asia assaultrifles bink blindfiring capacity-toolslots china city city-shanghai-cn companion coversystem cpplanguage difficulty earth firearms handguns healthregen kaneandlynch-series latemodernperiod limitedcapacity machinepistols misfortune mp-cooperative naturalistic openal organizedcrime outlawprotagonist outlaws precisionrifles rampantcrime rating-esrb-m screenshake selfcensorship shotguns submachineguns titularcharacter toolsideswap vaulting voicechat walking labelimageminimize
Mafia II  2K Games (2K Czech)2010 1940s 1950s 20thcentury accuracy-motion aimmode alcohol ammomagazines antiheroprotagonist artdeco autosavepoints car chapterreplay chasing city clandestine clothing compass coversystem crimefiction criminalactivity difficulty doors drifting driving dynamicaccuracy earth familycar fictionalcity firearms gangsters grenades gtalike handguns healingstations healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted hispanicprotagonist historicalfiction holstering home incendiarygrenades indicator-route indulgence instantkillers invisiblewalls killingblow kynapse lawenforcers lethalvelocity limitedcapacity lockpicking lostequipment machineguns mafia mafia-series map naturalistic neutralnpcs news northamerica nudity nvapex objectiveindicator openworld organizedcrime outlawprotagonist outlaws physx precisionrifles prison prostitutes radar screenshake sex shopping shotguns smokes speedlimits sportscar stealth submachineguns summery surfacevariations temporarycompanions timeskip tommygun trampling triad truck turrets unarmedfighting vaulting walking waypoints weathereffects wheeledvehicle wintery youngadultprotagonist labelimageminimize
Rage  Bethesda Softworks (id Software)2011 aimmode ammotypes arid assaultrifles biogrowth boomerangs buggy bunker canyon capacity-unlimited charging city compass corpselooting crossbows crystals cyborgs deployables difficulty dissolvingcorpses doors driving earth elevators empgrenades empweapons endlessopposition energyweapons explosiveobjects falldamage fictionalelement fromanothertime future gambling gianthumanoids giants grenadecooking grenades gunclubbing handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-fast hideout hospital humanexperiments idtech5 indicator-route interactivetriggers inventory invisiblewalls ironsights itemglow ladders locationinfo minigames minimap mobilebombs mutants neutralnpcs news nofriendlyfire nohealthdisplay npcinjuries objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator openended optionaltasks outlaws overkill playerstats postapocalypse powerplant precisionrifles prison quadbike racing radar rebellion refinery reload-auto reload-manual remotecontrol robots ruins safezone saveanywhere secondwind secretfacility secrets sewers shopping shotguns splatter stealth subway suicideattackers tasktracker telescope temporarycompanions thrownweapons town trampling unknownpast unusualprotagonist unvoicedprotagonist upgradesystem walking wasteland weaponupgrades labelimageminimize
Red Dead Redemption Rockstar Games (Rockstar San Diego)2010 1910s 20thcentury actionadventure aimmode blindfiring circadiancycle coversystem earth fasttravel fictionallocation firearms freelancing gameoftheyear gtalike handguns healingitems jumping karma lawenforcers lefthanded locationaldamage maleprotagonist map northamerica openworld outlaws parentprotagonist precisionrifles radialmenu rageengine reddead-series reload-manual resting riding shopping spouseprotagonist unlockable-costumes usa walking wasteland waypoints western wildlife Developed by Rockstar San Diego, as a follow up to the 2004 hit game Red Dead Revolver, Red Dead Redemption is a Western epic, set at the turn of the 20th century when the lawless and chaotic badlands began to give way to the expanding reach of government and the spread of the Industrial Age. The story of former outlaw, John Marston, Red Dead Redemption takes players on a great adventure across the American frontier. Utilizing Rockstar's proprietary Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE), Red Dead Redemption features an open-world environment for players to explore, including frontier towns, rolling prairies teeming with wildlife, and perilous mountain passes - each packed with an endless flow of varied distractions. Along the way, players experience the heat of gunfights and battles, meet a host of unique characters, struggle against the harshness of one of the world’s last remaining wildernesses, and ultimately pick their own precarious path through an epic story about the death of the Wild West and the gunslingers that inhabited it. labelimagesubject
Risen 3: Titan Lords Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2014 1life abilitycooldown actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr aircontrol alcohol alligators ambientcreatures animals apples armwrestling asymmetriccreatures autorun autosavepoints bananas beach bigcats bioluminescence birds blackpearls blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles capacity-unlimited cave chapters chargedabilities chargedattack chargers chemistry circadiancycle containers cooking corpselooting counterattacks crafting crafting-sites crepuscularrays crocodilians crossbows crystals currency damagetypes dark-limited dashing demons depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame dock dodging doors druids ducks enemyhealthdisplay environment-animate factions falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points finiteopposition firearms fish flying foraging forest fruits fungus-mushrooms genderdiscrepancy giantcrustaceans giantinsects giantspiders gnomes goblinoids goblins golems gorillas handguns headswapping healing healingitems healingstations healthregen herbs holstering hostilewildlife insectoids insects interactivedialogs interrupting intimidation inventory island itemglow itemglow-manual itempickup-normal jewelry jumping jungle karma keys knockback ladders lamp lava lightbloom lockpicking lostpowers lostresources magic magic-sigils magic-somatic magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist mine minigames minimap monsters mystics namelessprotagonist neutralmonsters nochildren noshoprestocking npclooting npcschedules npcstrife obscuredtime openworld optionaltasks outlaws parrots parrying persistentworld physx pickaxe pickpocketing pirateprotagonist pirates plethoraofreferences potions powerups premadeprotagonist primates prospecting rating-pegi-16 rebornprotagonist recipes recipes-mandatory recurrence-character resting risen-series rp-levelless ruins safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scenic scrolls seamonsters serious sex shapeshifting shopping shore shotguns skeletons skinning sorcery spectres speedtree spiders stealing stealth stealthmode subterranean summoning swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker telekinesis teleport temporarycompanions testudines threatdisplay throwingknives thrownweapons town traps treasurehunt trespassing tropic unarmedfighting undead vendortrash volumetriclighting voodoo walking walkingarmory wasteland watercraft watercraft-large watercraft-location watercraft-small waterfalls wetland wilderness wildlife woundless xp-deeds xp-kills Piranha Bytes, the creators of Gothic and Risen, return to their origins with a new, classic RPG. Risen 3: Titan Lords pulls the player in to a hand-crafted role-playing world full of rugged charm where every decision changes the course of the story. Risen 3: Titan Lords is set for release in August 2014 for the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system as well as Windows PC.

The key element of the cult Gothic series as well as Risen is the vivid world and the freedom to explore it. The world of Risen 3: Titan Lords will be diverse, authentic and full of life, providing the player with an authentic, classic RPG experience.

"Like a carpenter with a hand-crafted piece of furniture, we put together the story, the characters and the landscape until it all fits and the player has the possibility to discover things all around the place. You can try out and find things that others might not. Exploration is the key to our game", says Bjoern Pankratz, Project Lead at Piranha Bytes.

The world of Risen 3 is abandoned by all gods and suffers from the Titan Wars when a new threat rises from the soil. A young warrior is attacked from the shadows and deprived of his soul. He sets off to reclaim what is lost amidst the darkness that is spreading throughout the world. The banned Mages could be powerful allies on his quest. To get their help, he needs to find the Mage sanctuary on Taranis, also known as the Island of Thunder. Protected by the Guardians, the Mages search the mines of Taranis for crystals loaded with magic energy. Will the player join the Guardians to get in contact with the Mages? Or will he choose one of the other guilds in Risen 3 to reach his goals?
Rochard Sony Computer Entertainment (Recoil Games)2011 bloodless bodyslamming caricature casino chapterreplay chapters cliffhanger collectibles crystals elevators explosives-sticky extraterrestrial fallbackweapon fallimpact forcefields gimmick gravitycontrol grenadelaunchers gunclubbing healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning independentaim instantkillers jumping killingblow ladders lamp lawenforcers low-g mine npcdeflection oldskoolsurveillance outlaws overheating physics powerthrow pseudo3d rating-esrb-t remotedetonators robots ropeswinging screenshake secrets spacefaringage spacestation titularcharacter unity-engine visualizedtrajectory walking labelimageminimize
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel  Deep Silver;cdv Software Entertainment USA (Ascaron Entertainment)2009 actionrpg cemetery classbased classlinkedgender crazedanimals demons dungeon elves fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest graverobbing healingitems healthregen kynapse magic meleeweapons milessound mummies npcspawning outlaws physx premadecharacters restorativegluttony riding sacred-series skeletons sorcery specieschoice swords tombstones undead werewolves zombies labelimageminimize
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion  2K Games;Ubisoft (Bethesda Game Studios)2007 achillesheelfoes adv-static ancientenemy arcanepunk arena atlastmoment automap autosavepoints backstabbing ballistics beggars blackmarket blocking books bows bribing capacity-weight castle chargedattack chemistry cipherlang circadiancycle city clairvoyantpursuers containers corpselooting criminalactivity customclass dark-limited demonicinvasion demons demons-other devotees difficulty-charscaling dimensionalbreach dimensionalportals dimensionaltravel divinemenace elderscrolls elves enchanting enemyupgrade excavation factions falldamage fame fantasyworld felinoids fictionaluniverse fines forest gamebryoengine genderchoice ghosts goblins guild havokphysics headswapping hell hellscape home humanoidanimals imprisonment inbuilttraps indicator-poi inherentright inventory itemdurability jewelry jumping lamp lawenforcers limitedcapacity locationinfo lockpicking lockpicking-feedback magic mandateofheaven medieval meleeweapons monastery mountain multilingual necromancers neutralnpcs nochildren noheadbob nonlinear npcinventory npcschedules obsoletedassets openclassing openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld precursors privatemilitarycompanies protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face racechoice rats rodents roses-other ruins sauroids scavenging sciencefantasy serious sewers shields shopping shrine skeletons sorcery soundcues specialagentprotagonist specieschoice spelldesigning stamina statloss stealing stealth stealthmode subterranean summoning superalloy teleport temple titlementioned titularlocale trash trolls tutorial unarmedfighting undead unknownpast unnecessarykilling unvoicedprotagonist ursines vagrants waiting willowisps worldborder xp-literal zombies Oblivion is the quintessential role-playing game for the next generation and another leap forward in gaming. Step inside the most richly detailed and vibrant game-world ever created. Oblivion is the latest chapter in the epic and highly successful Elder Scrolls saga and utilizes next-generation video game hardware to fully immerse you into the experience. With a powerful combination of freeform gameplay and unprecedented graphics, you can unravel the main quest at your own pace or explore the vast world and find your own challenges.

After the mysterious and untimely death of the Emperor, the throne of Tamriel lies empty. With the Empire ready to crumble, the gates of Oblivion open and demons march upon the land - laying waste to everything in their path. To turn the tide of darkness, you must find the lost heir to the throne and unravel the sinister plot that threatens to destroy all of Tamriel.

- Live Another Life in Another World: Create and play any character you can imagine, from the noble warrior to the sinister assassin to the wizened sorcerer.

- Next Generation Graphics: Pixel-shader effects and high definition televisions are fully supported to create unprecedented visuals, including lifelike towns, dungeons, and the most realistic forests ever created in a game.

- First Person Melee and Magic: An all-new combat and magic system brings first person role-playing to a new level of intensity where you feel every blow.

- Radiant AI: This groundbreaking AI system gives Oblivion's characters full 24/7 schedules and the ability to make their own choices based on the world around them. Non-player characters eat, sleep, and complete goals all on their own.

- Realistic Characters: Oblivion's features over 1,000 non-player characters who come to life like never before with facial animations, lip-synching, and full speech. They even engage in unscripted conversations with each other and you.

- Open-Ended Game Play; Short Challenges: The enormous world of Oblivion is open for you to explore at your own pace, and shorter challenges such as fighting bandits, mixing potions, creating magic items and persuading friends keep the challenges coming.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2011 adv-perks ancientenemy animals arcanepunk aristocrats automap autumnal axes backstabbing bards beggars beyondcomprehension bink bioluminescence blackmarket blankprotagonist blocking bludgeons bodyarmor boreal bows bribing burning caninoids cannibalism capacity-weight cave cemetery charactercreation chargedattack chemistry children circadiancycle city classless cleargame clothing columnarjointing compass conlang controlloss cooking corpselooting crafting crafting-sites creation-engine criminalactivity customengine demons dialog-sentences difficulty-charscaling directionalforce directionalforce-current distortedvision doors dragons dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dynamicweather elderscrolls electrokinesis elementals elitemobs elves endtime enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen epic erraticlanguage evilbydefault excavation extremists factions fasttravel felinoids fines finishingmoves forest friendshipbeatdown genderchoice ghosts gianthumanoids giants giantspiders glowingeyes hags havokphysics healingitems healthregen highfantasy hirelings home imprisonment inbuilttraps indicator-poi industrial-setting insectoids interactivedialogs interactivetriggers inversekinematics jumping knives knockback launcher lawenforcers liches limitedcapacity livinglegend lockpicking lockpicking-feedback magic magic-delayed magic-held magic-verbal mammoths map marriage medieval meleeweapons mercenaries mine minstrels monastery mountain mystics necromancers neutralmonsters nomads npchiding npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator oneofakind openworld optionaltasks outlanderprotagonist outlaws persistentworld pickpocketing playerstats plotimmortality polar polymathprotagonist postwarperiod potions pressureplates priceinfo prison projectilerecovery prophecy puzzles pyrokinesis quickkeys racechoice rating-bbfc-15 rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rebellion recurringopponent reputation resting riding robots ruins sauroids scaleform scenic sciencefantasy screenshake screenstaining secondaryconflict shapeshifters shieldbash shields shopping skeletonkey sorcery souls specieschoice spectres speech-conlang splatter spriggans staggering stamina stealing stealth stealth-sight stealthmode swords tasktracker temple thedestroyer threatdisplay titlementioned titularlocale titularobject town trash trespassing trolls undead uniqueprotagonist unknownpast vampires vikings vocalpowers walking waypoints werewolves wilderness wildlife wintery witnesses xp-literal labelimageminimize
The Last of Us Sony Computer Entertainment (Naughty Dog)2013 2010s 2030s 21stcentury actionadventure aimmode allforone alternatingprotagonist ambientcreatures animals antiheroprotagonist asphyxiation assaultrifles autumnal axes backstabbing blindcreatures bludgeons bookends bossbattles bows cannibalism city city-boston-ma city-pittsburgh-pa city-saltlakecity-ut colorado crafting dark-limited diaries distracting diving dogs earth euthanasia fallimpact femaleprotagonist firearms flamethrowers flood forest future gardengnomes gashazards gasmask gore grenades handguns havokphysics healingitems horses hospital hotel improvisedweapons incendiarygrenades itemdurability itemglow knives ladders lamp locationaldamage loot-random lostequipment maleprotagonist martiallaw meatshield middleagedprotagonist murder museum noinvpause noodleincident noports northamerica openended outbreak outlaws overgrowth parasites parentprotagonist photomode platformexclusive postapocalypse powerplant precisionrifles present primates projectilerecovery prologue quarantine quicktimeevent quickturn rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 realmonsters reload-manual riding ruins sacrificiallamb school sequence-escape sequence-turret serious sewers shallowwater shotguns singledout soldiers speedcontrol splatter stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound suburb subway suicide teenprotagonist temporarycompanions timeskip timespan-months torture trivialresearch unarmedfighting undefinedelements upgradesystem usa utah vaulting vernal visualizedtrajectory walking weaponupgrades wilderness wintery wyoming zombieapocalypse zombies zoom The premise of the game is that Ophiocordyceps unilateralis has developed a strain that infects humans, much of its effects though not all are actually in line with what that does IRL. labelimageminimize
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014 airducts alarmers animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine clockpunk collectibles compass criware dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage formervaporware fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedsupplies lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen npcworldchangeawareness nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame stungrenades stunning subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise zoom Into The City’s shadowy world steps Garrett, The Master Thief in a first-person adventure that offers players total freedom to choose their own path to overcome the challenges and madness of a city on the brink of revolution.***
Venetica dtp entertainment (Deck13 Interactive)2009 2hmeleeweapons adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr africa angelofdeath axes backstabbing beach bioluminescence birds blocking bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles butterflies cattle cave chargers chemistry chickens chiroptera circadiancycle city city-venice-it classless clothing compass corpselooting counterattacks crustaceans currency damageinfo damagetypes dark-limited dashing difficulty digging dock enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen fantasticearth femaleprotagonist foraging ghosts giantcrustaceans healingitems healthdraining healthregen interactivedialogs inventory italy jewelry ladders lamp leveluprestoration lightbloom lives lockpicking magic magicrings map meleeweapons mine minimap monsters mountain necromancers ogre-engine optionaltasks orphanprotagonist outlaws palace parallelworld pathengine physx polearms potions premadeprotagonist prisonbreak publictransit quickkeys rating-pegi-16 rating-usk-12 ravens resting rewardingvandalism roadsigns rooftops saveanywhere scavenging secrets sewers shields shopping shovels skeletons skinning sorcery stealing stonecreatures sweepingstrikes swimming swords targetident tasktracker temple town toxins treasurehunt undead uniqueprotagonist unusualprotagonist watercraft-location xp-deeds xp-kills youngadultprotagonist labelminimizeminimize